Hey all… been a minute since I got “typey” with the blogging… figured I’d do something a little different and share my concept for a TV Show Idea I had in college I’m dusting off to re-write and package for pitching…

Yes that’s the dream to work in television development helping create content both my own original ideas and helping others thrive as well. I’ve had so many ideas I’ve spun… but not had taken off… YET… and one I’m passionate about is this one….

karaoke romance stories… with a very modern in your face, sexuality, sing-a-long and sex positive twist…

What does that mean exactly… well… did you ever watch that MTV show undressed? OR see a web series with a wild cast of characters that kind of focused on different ones from week to week….

KLJ or rather Karaoke Love Journal follows Blake Chitwood, a new in town guy trying to navigate his way through love and music after ending his engagement to his boyfriend/fiance to head to California/LA to chart a new path… his story is sort of the heart of the series, but through Blake we meet his friends, love interest, frenemies and obstacles. Through Blake’s “chapters” we are bumped into brides to be, single parents, people with emotional hang ups, ailments, baggage and their journey of love both the ugly and the great parts centering around karaoke lovers, enthusiast, spectators or even haters.

YES there will be singers of all varieties. You’re welcome William Hung!


Every time I come up with a concept for a show… more recently I’ve begun working on a dark comedy series with my guy best friend (Ryan Russell) in which I’m drafting up a look book as well…. what’s a look book… from the brilliant mind of Christina Sibul (my former Art of The Pitch teacher at my alma mater)… a look book is essentially a visual pitch of your world, story, concept and characters (including potential actors to be characters)… there’s much cleaner ways to do this but the point is to just have fun with it… learning to make collages and visions boards at 5 definitely comes in handy here.

If someone was to make a movie about your life or tv show… they might use this tool to help them not only pitch the concept, but also to create it.

Don’t take my word for it… seriously, I’m still climbing the ladder of life and opportunity…

I Associate Produced a feature film, did my taxes, love to create and have the heart of a dreamer… so despite life’s short comings (which we all have some more than others… )… come on POWER BALL lol…. you just have to see it and achieve it… the power of a look book can work for anyone in any field.

I don’t make much more than I did two years ago (if anything) Hollywood O.O… you shade throwing beast…. but the one thing I’m never doing is or am going to do is… stop looking, learning, living, laughing, crying…. (sorry getting a little The “L” Word theme song-esque) creating or making my dreams reality…. also look books 😀




Love-stery: Journey’s of the Heart

Galentine’s Day (Feb 13th)  – brought to you by the television show Parks and Recreaction aka Parks and Recs

Valentine’s Day (Feb 14th) – created to honor Saint Valentine a really long time ago… like beyond comprehension time ago…

Single Awareness Day ( Feb 15th) – thank you millennials 😀

And half off % (or more) of all that pink red chewy, sweet or savory goodness weekend (or the days proceeding if not currently 2019),… this is that mid February – ish… with out fail every year… and whether you’re “bae-d” up or riding solo or even just meeting someone for the first time… you indulge… because you’re only human (like Christina Perri says) and the one things humans need besides a bandaid and an entire first aid kit from apparently “falling down” and “crashing”….  in any shape or form is affection.


*Love the History of Love*

“When the little blue bird, who has never said a word starts to sing…. Spring! Spring!” – The Madam (Ann Magnuson)

Do you know what that means….

“Birds do it, bees do it… even educated fleas do it… let’s do it… let’s fall in love…” – Tank Girl (1995), played by the awesome Lori Petty  ❤


(originally sung by the talented Cole Porter, 1928)

Love isn’t limited to finding that one special person… it’s the love of a friend… a parent… a sibling… a work friend… a boss… a mentor… a teacher… a relative… a neighbor… a pet…. or even a stranger…. caring about another life is the foundation and basis of love. Don’t you agree?

Stop me if I’m being TOO optimistic and positive for your own good (or mine for that matter). Don’t actually stop me I’m on a role.

If you took time to break down all the people and things/aspects of your life you care for… you’d be hit with an abundance of love.

It’s truly “sickening”… to prove it… I’ll break down myself  *gulp*:


Having a place to live is something to love and be grateful for – not everyone in the world is fortune to have a physical place to do that.

They say home is wear the heart is so if you’ve ever had to live anywhere other than a place with four walls and warmth… as long as you felt safe even for a split second you were home… with yourself first and most importantly so. I’ve had this really great room in a home with a great roommate for the last year and hope to stay here for another year to come. My home feels right, because I do… before this, I lived in an apartment while in college and years after with four amazing friends, classmates and/or so-so roommates…. jk… we all can forget to do the dishes…. I felt very close and safe with them and feel the same with my roomie Matt. Your home is your heart and it travels with you and sets up camp/foundations wherever you open it up to.

A job – someplace you enjoy coming into whether it be for your co-workers, your boss, your customers/clients, the work you do or just the hustle of getting through the day… there’s some aspect you truly love doing.

I’ve had a good job for two years coming up in May and actually enjoy most of what I get to do working in pre-production/casting and working my way up, taking on more responsibility… and soon a raise. WOOT WOOT…. find the bliss in what you do…. then find the love.

Marinate on that lunch break!

Everything else is pretty much a luxury after that in terms of aspects… our cars… our phones… our things… because even though we depend on them… we don’t need these things… food and water are life essentials, but even if we couldn’t have pizza again… O.O we’d live…

I think…

No I know…

But it’s pizza…


It’s going to be okay…

You can eat the toppings… you have options…

Ask yourself… could you go Paleo, try Keto or even be vegan for a short period of time… the answer is yes… would you still enjoy food?

Definitely…. because you still can have control over all the flavors, all the components, all the nourishment and all the food that goes into you body, mind, soul and heart.

Don’t look at the can’t look at the cans.

Which is my point… not matter how life turns or cooks….

you ALWAYS have options when it comes to the heart.



Family and friends aside… have you been in love? Are you currently?

I’m the kind of person who falls hard and fast… when it’s right I give you 100%…

The first time I fell really truly insanely hard for someone caught me by surprise… January 2010 I met this great guy I thought I might actually marry one day (no politics)… I knew almost right away how I felt about him, but we did have a small history (he once dated a friend, yet the friend seems semi-okay with this… I wasn’t trying to do anything on purpose… we had connected before realizing we already knew each other and had many conversations before we started to wonder if we were doing anything wrong… that friend stepped away from my life briefly… but we were fine after he could see I was happy and I knew he was happy).

Me and my (ex)guy… it was very casual at first because we didn’t ACTUALLY know each other… only met in passing a few times. We dated for a little just shy of a month and the bond was instant….

Then February 11th, 2010 I asked him to be mine and he asked me to be his and an epic journey ensued… even when we weren’t together anymore we were both still very much in love.

After a few years he moved on and we remain friends even to this day… it was hard… I didn’t want to admit how much he meant to me those years apart… I had started a new chapter of my life was finishing college and making friends in a place I had never lived even trying to date… I was projecting my feelings for him onto other people I’d get close to… I was a mess in matters of romance… we’d talk… though we were both too stubborn to realize we just needed to give it another go.

I don’t know it would’ve worked out 100% because love is a risk and not everyone can be friends with an ex especially after something so epic… I’m lucky to not have hated any of mine ESPECIALLY not M.P.H…. a strong dislike for one (wayback when) out of the cluster (seven bfs in all – you know who you are O_O), but that’s about it…. and even though I’m solo now (for the last 2-3 years) I’m very happy and if I met that right person for me tomorrow I’d be just as happy not being single… you don’t need someone…. you need you! Then if someone comes along you’ll be open and ready.


PS. I’M OWN THINGS!!! Let’s be chums: