Hey all… been a minute since I got “typey” with the blogging… figured I’d do something a little different and share my concept for a TV Show Idea I had in college I’m dusting off to re-write and package for pitching…

Yes that’s the dream to work in television development helping create content both my own original ideas and helping others thrive as well. I’ve had so many ideas I’ve spun… but not had taken off… YET… and one I’m passionate about is this one….

karaoke romance stories… with a very modern in your face, sexuality, sing-a-long and sex positive twist…

What does that mean exactly… well… did you ever watch that MTV show undressed? OR see a web series with a wild cast of characters that kind of focused on different ones from week to week….

KLJ or rather Karaoke Love Journal follows Blake Chitwood, a new in town guy trying to navigate his way through love and music after ending his engagement to his boyfriend/fiance to head to California/LA to chart a new path… his story is sort of the heart of the series, but through Blake we meet his friends, love interest, frenemies and obstacles. Through Blake’s “chapters” we are bumped into brides to be, single parents, people with emotional hang ups, ailments, baggage and their journey of love both the ugly and the great parts centering around karaoke lovers, enthusiast, spectators or even haters.

YES there will be singers of all varieties. You’re welcome William Hung!


Every time I come up with a concept for a show… more recently I’ve begun working on a dark comedy series with my guy best friend (Ryan Russell) in which I’m drafting up a look book as well…. what’s a look book… from the brilliant mind of Christina Sibul (my former Art of The Pitch teacher at my alma mater)… a look book is essentially a visual pitch of your world, story, concept and characters (including potential actors to be characters)… there’s much cleaner ways to do this but the point is to just have fun with it… learning to make collages and visions boards at 5 definitely comes in handy here.

If someone was to make a movie about your life or tv show… they might use this tool to help them not only pitch the concept, but also to create it.

Don’t take my word for it… seriously, I’m still climbing the ladder of life and opportunity…

I Associate Produced a feature film, did my taxes, love to create and have the heart of a dreamer… so despite life’s short comings (which we all have some more than others… )… come on POWER BALL lol…. you just have to see it and achieve it… the power of a look book can work for anyone in any field.

I don’t make much more than I did two years ago (if anything) Hollywood O.O… you shade throwing beast…. but the one thing I’m never doing is or am going to do is… stop looking, learning, living, laughing, crying…. (sorry getting a little The “L” Word theme song-esque) creating or making my dreams reality…. also look books 😀

