It’s Gonna Be MOM’S Day

Hey all Happy Spring…

It’s May!!!!

Did you ring it in with NSYNC or even Backstreet Boys memes gallore:


Did you drop those Star Wars post like they were going outta style… you know the ones:


Did you drinko (and feast) on cinco:


[(pic 1)Happy Hour Margarita’s at Te’Kila (Sherman Oaks, CA) – a must try]

[(pic 2)Homemade Nacho Fries – see: for deets]

[(pic 3)Del Taco’s beyond avocado tacos +

8 layer veggie burrito – minus cheese and sour cream

for a vegan paradise in my mouth]

Well hopefully you’re living it up with all things MAY even on a budget, because we all haven’t quite hit that Mega Millions, Power Ball, Super Lotto, or Monopoly grocery game top prize just yet….

(even steal hard to not go with a deal, am I right?.

SAVE money and money will SAVE YOU)

Speaking of deals… today’s or rather the weekend deal is that of Mother’s Day….

*takes beat to call mom,

sets reminder to do it again on

the day of so she knows

she’s special!

… end of thought… wait…

YouTube play LizzoJuice


“If I’m shiny, everybody gonna shine (Yeah, I’m goals)
I was born like this, don’t even gotta try (Now you know)
I like chardonnay, get better over time (So you know)
Heard you say I’m not the baddest, bitch, you lie”

*dedicates anthem to mom*

Who or what is mom to you, to us? They, Them, She are strong empowering (in obvious and even subtle ways).

They grind yours gears, but also help you fix them.

They are loving and deadly lol.

They are raw emotion.

 First teacher they be.

She’s your first hero.

Moms are value.

So don’t forget them even when you argue over nothing or everything one of you is going through like life stuff.

Don’t be distant just because one of you needs space (still reach out). You don’t have to buy your mom a gift to show them you love them…

Remember those crafty elementary school projects and/or even middle school “advance crafts…” you know the ones…

!!!yaaaas kween paper mache!!!

There was this one time I made this amazing glass paper mache bottle for my mom in 6th grade… I didn’t want to break or crack it so I thought… don’t take the bus, you know that same one you’ve been taking every day because your parents both work you don’t live within walking distance AT ALL of your school…

BUT I though hey with my luck it this bottle won’t make it… so I figure hey one of my parents can come get me even if it’s a little after school is over or even a grandparent, they live next door, but if I call them my grandma will wonder where her glass bottle is too. So we didn’t call her. I thought what numbers do I know by memory… quite a few actually… I thought can I walk closer to somewhere… would the office staff even let me at this point… I had no sense of direction… barely getting a handle on it now hahaha… but we lived maybe  15ish miles away (we never went to school in our neighborhood… emphasis on the hood. Our parents wanted to let us dream big so we almost always went to performance arts, enrichment and creative schools when we were young… hence this blog life).

So you’re  11 years old… you go to the office and call everyone you can.

Mom was busy. Dad was still at work (but close by)… my uncle was visiting, but to busy playing with my siblings to answer the first time… I was freaking out, but I really wanted to keep this bottle safe for mama. I mean I worked on it for a whole 45 minutes, not including a day’s dry time…. all I remember is getting yelled at for maybe three minutes (both in the car and at home) when I finally did get picked up and then getting a giant hug after that 🙂  My mom still has that bottle! Hottesome for the win!

Remember your mother isn’t the person who gave you life… It’s that person who has taught you, laughed with you, cried with you, disciplined you and celebrated you as you do them.

Everyone’s journey and situation is unique, so every mom in the world is unique and not just of your DNA and is different (for better or worse).

SO to all the mom’s out there and all the kids who have their own bottle memories I say cheers to you and the weekend!

Ya-ya-ee, ya-ya-ee, ya-ya-ee, ya-ya-ee”

Side Note: If you need to grab a last minute anything for your mom, mom friend, significant other, grandmother, tia (that’s aunt in español) or any/all those amazing humans of the world… I suggest amazon prime (if you’re a member or reaching out to a friend who is…. hint hint… for a one day, same day or very quick deliver).



Instagram DM (@hottesome) or Email: for deals/details.

CATCH ME on the SM side:



This blog is dedicated to Kimberly Cheri Bell (Ellis) my mother!!!!!!