The Journey to Being Body Positive

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Body positive… something that isn’t just set to people who are on the plus side of body beauty… “Being too thick”, “too thin…” or “too inbetween…”

Loving your body starts with YOU… and you alone… first and always…


Easier said than done, right?

Especially sense we all have these preconceived notions of what’s right and wrong in terms of body image:

Thick is toxic… or Big is Broken…


I don’t see it… if you do… maybe you’re being kind of dare I say…


Lean is mean…

Not everybody sees the world so one-sided… You can be slim and supportive

There are more allies in the world of all genders, races, nationalities, sizes and textures… (what are we made of stone…)

So when do we say…. NO enough is enough… your definition of beauty and body doesn’t have to match everyone else’s nor do you EVER have to fit into it… some “box”… don’t do it for the gram… do it for you!!!

Don’t let someones self hate or judgements let you think otherwise… if someone is judging you based on a your physical appearance odds are there’s something about themselves they don’t quite like themselves… or maybe they need constant validation in this social media driven “likes” world… that’s sometimes a borderline black mirror episode staring Bryce Dallas Howard… (I’m just saying).

I’m a queer gay black man who doesn’t look like everyone else… made up of mostly African, a little over a quarter European and Native American ancestry. I’m 250+ lbs of thickness… sometimes more sometimes less…

I’m comfortable in my skin and strive for ways to stay healthy…. living a plant based/vegan lifestyle for the last 10+ years… staying active in a variety of ways:

I dance, I cardio, I gym, I walk, I move weight, I jog, I hike (on some occasions), I laugh… I smile… I try to stay happy, optimistic and positive which believe it does more for your body than you can imagine…

I enjoy life with very small limits on what I eat, do or don’t (your body is a temple and temples need rest as well as destress). I encouraging myself, others and receiving it in return. I share my positivity in body, mind and spirit as much as I can on the gram not for validation (well some), but mostly for others to validate themselves:

Big is beautiful.

Black is beautiful.

Men are beautiful!

Multiracial is beautiful!

My friends are beautiful!

My family is beautiful!

Strangers are beautiful!

Life is beautiful!

We are all beautiful!

So wear what you want… eat what you want… flex how you want…. “We’re born naked and the rest is drag,” as RuPaul would say… the same applies to the way we perceive body image, self image and so many things… let that marinate for a minutes…


Coffee House Chronicles (web series and movie)



