HottesomeandMe w/ 23andMe

I took the 23and Me ancestry test….

I ‘m still processing it….

Like still… 4 days later…


My mind is racing with questions…

I’m German? Or French Or Both?

More Irish than I thought

North African/Middle Eastern…

Broadly European?

Not as Native American as I thought… or was told…

Which Subsaharan parts of Africa?

1.0% Unassigned… like Genghis Khan?

There’s a lot I knew… a lot that was assumed and a lot I would have never guest. Just because mom and dad or Grandpa or Grandma (rest in peace for some and me)… say one thing doesn’t mean they have all the facts… do your own research… follow your own thoughts and build off of that.

Curious about your genetic makeup or background?

Check out my video on YouTube and see and get the skinny…

Maybe we’re related…



23andMe is running a special 2 for 1 deal on Ancestry only kits for $49 each if you buy 2 or more – Ancestry with health is $199 but with this deal and if you have already taken an Ancestry only test you can add health for an additional $125 – so with this current deal you’re actually save $30 per kit… especially with a little help for this friend.

Referral Code:

Use My referral code for your own 23andMe test:

Happy World Kindness Day (hopefully it spread through the entire week)!