Do Bi’s need Allies?


The Bi-Fi Signal

It seems like a silly question doesn’t it? Of course, just like any marginalized identity Bisexuals (aka non/monosexuals) need the support of Allies.  We face oppression, marginalization, biphobia and need informed and active support. We would welcome this support from both the gay and the straight communities.

In fact, we are often mistaken/mis-labeled as Allies ourselves and that is wholly inaccurate. Many Bisexuals, myself included, have been outspoken supporters of the Queer community. We do this not because we are allies but because we are members of the Queer community.

So, how can we help you help us. How can monosexuals be better Allies for the Bi-community? I have a few ideas.

  • Recognize Us/See Us. One of major problems for the Bi community is that we are often mistakenly labeled as gay or straight. This misconception derives from defining us by our current (or past) partners/relationships. This does not work…

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